The next meet happened on the 31st of March 2008
These were my responses after addressing the meet
Really Really happy 2 see u all with us in the meet and it was a real pleasure being with you clarifying your doubts and discussing what we want to and how as to proceed with AUF
Hey all i some how feel that the last meet should be a memorable one 4 all of us and it must be written as a date of achieving our first milestone with AUF for distributing the cards which is not done by many fans associations.
As im with the team right from the roots im real happy 2 see AUF growing, hope we would be a goof fat number very soon
A real special thanks to Dharani, Kirthy, Sneha, Bhusan,Karthik, Sameer, Samson, Rajesh, Neelesh, Devidas, Prasad, Sravan, Viswamohan,and all with out which this would not have been possible.
Lets all gather and continue this support and confidence to achieve our endaviour.
The next meet is on the coming monday and i will personally try to discuss few very important discussions,and take few critical decissions regarding AUF when we meet again.
I Look 4rwrd seeing u guys again with the same enthusiasm,dedications
Tnq 4 ur time.......
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